

What our customers have to say about Pranan EMF protection devices

We appreciate any testimonial from any of our clients who have purchased at least one one of our products. Please help others by leaving your comment on the contact page, and we will get back to you.

I’ve slept deeper and started to have dreams again

“I learned about this company and the PhiWaves Diamond 5G unit from a patient of mine. After doing some research, I decided to purchase one.  I have noticed a substantial shift that I can only attribute to keeping the PhiWaves unit on me. I’ve slept deeper and started to have dreams again, and I’ve been able to concentrate better while at work. I’ve started recommending it to patients and family/friends alike.”

Nick, US- based Osteopath

How good the “amulet” has been for me

I’ve been wanting to write to you for days about how good the “amulet” has been for me. It’s not that I can now spend a thousand hours glued to the devices but I think that now I recover much sooner and they affect me much less.

So thank you very much for your quick delivery!

Viginia, Bilbao

I have tried just about every EMF-protection product on the market.

I have had EHS for at least 5 years, owing to overexposure to W-Fi in the work environment. Since developing daily major fatigue, headaches, brain fog, ringing ears etc,. I have tried just about every EMF-protection product on the market. This includes many products that were recommended by professionals in this field of health, and some products that had scientific studies backing them. Of all the products I have tried – at great financial expense – I have found that the Pranan pendant has been the most beneficial to my physical and mental/cognitive health. It had an obvious (“gentle”) beneficial impact from within a few hours of wearing it, and continues to maintain its effectiveness. (I wear it day and night). I have significantly more physical and mental energy, more mental clarity, and my mood is somewhat improved. Also, it is rare to get intrusive headaches these days – though I can still sometimes get tension in my forehead area. As far as I can tell, these improvements have come from the Pranan pendant, as my lifestyle and EMF-protection procedures have remained fairly constant – pre- and post-pendant.
D Lyon, Psychologist, New Zealand

Ruth from Tenerife

My experience with the Pranan devices: I was suffering from headaches and insomnia, and a ringing in my ears, like tinnitus. When some cell phone towers were installed on my street, near the hospital, I noticed that I felt ill, due to the enormous exposure in that area.

I felt so poorly that I thought I was suffering from heat stroke. As soon as I put on the Pranan device, I felt much better.
At home, I noticed a tremendous improvement and greater stability. I no longer had headaches and I slept for more hours.

Now I feel much better. It certainly works. At first, I had my doubts, but now I strongly recommend it. I wear the device wherever I go and my headaches and fatigue have disappeared, and I sleep more soundly.

Ruth from Tenerife

Galician customer

I must say that I feel very happy. I feel protected and I no longer feel tired.
It has been a truly positive experience.

Galician customer

Sensitive young Logroño girl

What I noticed most is that I sleep better, it’s really amazing. I have a cell phone tower nearby, and it was bothering me, I couldn’t get to sleep.

Now I sleep much more soundly. In the morning I wake up rested and with more energy. I’ve noticed that I have less “brain fog”, greater mental clarity, and in cognitive terms I feel more awake.

I have really noticed all this. I’m very pleased, I wear the pendant (Phiwaves 5G jewel) wherever I go.

Young Logroño girl

Gran Canarias woman suffering from electrohypersensitivity

My experience with the Pranan device: I feel very pleased because before I got it, I used to feel awful, I felt a lot of electricity in my body. In fact, I considered moving to another area with fewer cell phone towers.

After purchasing the (Pranan) device two months ago, I no longer notice the electricity. I’m really happy and I don’t even think about cell phone towers.
I have to keep the device close to me as otherwise, I feel the electricity.

I also sleep more soundly, which is wonderful.


Gran Canarias woman suffering from electrohypersensitivity

Gran Canarias woman suffering from electrohypersensitivity

For eighteen months I have suffered from terrible headaches, tinnitus and a sensitive mouth. Ten minutes after putting on the (Pranan) device, the headache, jaw pain and tinnitus stopped. I am eternally grateful for the normal life I lead now.

I strongly recommended it to people. I thought this was impossible, as there are so many adverts about so many things that you can never be sure whether they will work or not. But I can safely say that it is effective.

It has given me back my life.


Gran Canarias woman suffering from electrohypersensitivity

Granada woman suffering from electrosensitivity

I suffer from severe fibromyalgia. From the first day I tried Phiwaves, the vertigo, nausea and malaise vanished.
My life has changed drastically from being operative only four hours a day, as I spent the rest of the time in bed.

Now I lead a normal life, I sleep five hours and I have more energy that I did when I was a child. I am absolutely fascinated because it has taken away my migraines, vertigo, nausea, chronic fatigue and overall bone pain.

I am amazed when I think that this tiny device has allowed me to fully recover my life.

Granada woman suffering from electrosensitivity

Rocío from Barcelona

My life has changed drastically. I had a problem as I have to take care of my parents and there is a large cell phone tower in front of their house. I was unable to sleep, I felt dizzy and my ears were ringing. It was virtually impossible for me to be there.

Since I have been wearing the device, my life has changed drastically. Now I don’t notice the radiation emitted by the towers and I can lead a normal life. It’s wonderful and I strongly recommend it to everyone.

Thank you so much

Rocío from Barcelona

Sofía from Vitoria

I am continuously exposed to EMF from the Wi-Fi tower, 5G, etc. and all this has caused me thyroid gland inflammation, eye pressure, fatigue and headaches.
Since I started using the Pranan devices, my thyroid balance has improved and the eye pressure and headaches have disappeared. I also feel more energetic.

Sofía from Vitoria (Electrosensitive person)

Antonio from Ciudad Real

For about five years I’ve been suffering from insomnia and chronic tinnitus.
Since I started using Phiwaves, I have noticed a very important change in my insomnia.
I get up after sleeping soundly with the feeling that I am completely rested.

The tinnitus and congestion have practically disappeared.

Antonio from Ciudad Real

Oksana from Huesca

I have always tried to steer clear of EMF, but nowadays, it’s impossible.
Before using Phiwaves I would sometimes feel dizzy or lose my balance for a few seconds, but now I don’t.
I also noticed a slight buzzing in my head from time to time and that, too has disappeared.

Oksana from Huesca

María Luisa from A Coruña

Every day I am exposed to EMF at home and at work with Wi-Fi networks, computers, and phones.
Since I have started using the Pranan devices, I have noticed I have less brain fog. I sleep better and I feel less anxious. I also feel less tired when I use the computer.


María Luisa

Suffering from Electrosensitivity

The Pranan device helps me lead a normal life and improve my tolerance to electromagnetic fields.
I noticed the benefits from the first moment I used the Pranan device. At first, I thought it was just another device, but to my surprise, I felt much better.

Nadia G.B.

Graphene Phiwaves EMF Protector

After months of increasing deterioration of a number of worrying symptoms (memory loss, poor concentration, clouded thinking, headaches, disturbed sleep, tinnitus, digestive problems, and extreme fatigue) and several visits to the GP, which shed no light on underlying causes, I went for epigenetic testing. This highlighted as a ‘priority’ that I ‘reduce EMF exposure’, so after a lot of research about the science behind the available devices in the market, I tried Pranan’s Phiwaves. I really didn’t expect how quick and positive the effect was; within a week the improvement was remarkable in all areas except digestion. Changes around memory, concentration and capacity to think were the most rapid, and welcomed, as I had been worried that I was developing early-onset dementia – clearly not!

A word of caution: one of the first nights, I placed the device under my pillow overnight and I had multiple vivid dreams and such activity going on in my head that my sleep was very disturbed -it was like my thoughts had been suppressed for long and were suddenly frantic at being released. I contacted Klaus (Pranan Technologies) about this effect, as sleep was an issue, and he suggested I place the device at some distance from my head first and gradually move it toward the pillow. I’m pleased to say this worked.

I experienced another benefit that I wouldn’t have anticipated when I went abroad. I was dreading going to the airport and airplane (although I’ve always loved flying) because of how Intensely draining I had been experiencing these in the last year or so. Not only I didn’t feel my energy drained, after the return flight I had no jet lag! I haven’t been able to put that to the test again this Easter given the current situation, but the only thing that I did different to previous long-haul flights (to the same part of the World) was to carry my Phiwaves close to me at all times (by the way, it does not beep when you pass the airport control).

Finally, I was so happy with the device that I bought another as a gift for my dad.

Maria C (London)

Jack from UK East Midlands

Returning by train from a weekend in Brighton UK, I experienced the onset of severe headaches, unlike anything I had felt for a few years.

It was then that I became aware that I had left my PhiWaves device at the hotel! Quickly called the hotel when I got home and arranged to have them send it to me 1st class.

I heard the saying “you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone” – now I can verify that about my very valuable PhiWaves, and won’t be leaving it behind anywhere again.

Jack from East Midlands

Imogen from Hampshire

You may remember I bought various Pranan products for my daughter who suffered from 24/7 headaches and regular debilitating migraines.  Their house was close to a local power line and she worked from home in an office / computer/ phone based environment. When I initially handed her the Phiwaves in our lounge with the tv on she detected an immediate effect.

Later on that evening, back at home, it dawned on her that her persistent 24/7 headache had disappeared. I am pleased to report that 2 months on she is still experiencing very few and much milder headaches. Her instances of migraines are also much reduced, so much so that she has been able to stop taking her GP prescribed ‘headache’ targeted medicine. Given the dramatic effect of the the Phiwaves she now has a Biospace tower protecting the house / family.

I am very confident that the Pranan technologies have markedly improved her health. We ourselves are enjoying the comfort of knowing we and her family are protected by Pranan devices.

Imogen from Hampshire