I have had EHS for at least 5 years, owing to overexposure to W-Fi in the work environment. Since developing daily major fatigue, headaches, brain fog, ringing ears etc,. I have tried just about every EMF-protection product on the market. This includes many products that were recommended by professionals in this field of health, and some products that had scientific studies backing them. Of all the products I have tried – at great financial expense – I have found that the Pranan pendant has been the most beneficial to my physical and mental/cognitive health. It had an obvious (“gentle”) beneficial impact from within a few hours of wearing it, and continues to maintain its effectiveness. (I wear it day and night). I have significantly more physical and mental energy, more mental clarity, and my mood is somewhat improved. Also, it is rare to get intrusive headaches these days – though I can still sometimes get tension in my forehead area. As far as I can tell, these improvements have come from the Pranan pendant, as my lifestyle and EMF-protection procedures have remained fairly constant – pre- and post-pendant.
D Lyon, Psychologist, New Zealand